Saturday, July 3, 2010

dinner party splendor

Last night's dinner party at Tayla's was quite enjoyable. There were a variety of people there, including: another Peace Corps volunteer, Aaron, stationed about six hours away in a place with no electricity and no grocery store (yikes), Yes (sp?, a former German Peace Corps volunteer) and his wife, Kelone, a Motswana and their daughter Siamo, who currently goes to graduate school in South Africa for Applied Theatre. Siamo had some great recommendations for theatre in Joburg when I go in August. Great family! Also in attendance were Peter, a Peace Corps volunteer that came here in the 1970's, left for a bit and lived a bunch of places before settling down back here in Botswana and had a son, John Promise.

The food was amazing and we even managed to keep a small fire going and roasted marshmallows! I was so happy to have some resemblance of an American summer with a fire and s'mores, so yay! Also, Peter pointed out some stars to me, which I had been wondering about since I got here. I'm confirmed the location of the Southern Cross and he also showed me Scorpio, which has it's tail wrapped around the Milky Way. I was very happy.

We got home at about 11pm, the latest we've stayed up the entire time we've been here! The evening made me very happy to be in such good company and happy to be here in Botswana. It's always a learning experience, too, to be able to talk to others about their experiences and the knowledge they have accumulated while being here.

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