Friday, June 11, 2010

Today was exciting because Rachel and I had our first official reference question! Rachel initially approached the man and I followed up and bit and explained who we were and what we are doing here.

His name is Kagiso, and he is currently taking a class on Travel, Tourism and Hospitality. He was looking for information along those lines. The library has a very out-of-date travel book on Botswana, so I offered to bring mine next week for him to take a look at. He also wrote down some other content from his course, mainly Business, Accounting, Communications and Hospitality. I'm hoping to round up some materials for him and create a library believer!

1 comment:

  1. Ashley!
    What a great idea it was to start this! It's wonderful to be able to live vicariously through your blog! What an adventure! Hope you are having a great time! "Read" ya next time!
    Carol Martin
    Hayward Library
