Thursday, June 10, 2010

It's hard to write this blog on such limited time always! So excuse the fact that they are often not eloquent or proof-read!

Things this week at the library have been going well so far. Rachel and I have been going in at 7:30am the past two days so we can watch them gather and enter their daily statistics regarding issues (check-outs, browsing numbers), registrations and overdues. They have a big overdue problem. Max the librarian told us that there are some 600 books overdue from as far back as 1990! Yikes!

Otherwise we have been working on entering new books into an Accession Registry, basically their inventory. We write each entry in by hand on these huge papers. It is a very slow process and not very orderly. The work culture is very different here, as yesterday Rachel and I were made fun of for "punishing ourselves" by working for an hour and a half straight after lunch without taking a break. So we went into the nearby break room (trailer) and had tea for about an hour before "knocking off" for the day. Not something I am used to!

I asked Dr. Totolo about that this morning when she came by to check in on how we were doing at the library and how things were going at home as well. She explained that that is a slight problem here, and that we should stick to our own routine and work ethic.

I gave her a sheet of ideas that I had been brainstorming for projects to work on during my internship here, and she is going to look them over and tell me what she thinks.

Yesterday we also went to the Molepolole museum and looked at a cultural exhibit that they have there right now. There were lots of beautiful crafts and painting on display.

This morning after our meeting with Dr. Totolo we went to the swearing-in ceremony of the Peace Corps volunteers here in Botswana, about 56 total, and 5 here in Moleps. We mingled and introduced ourselves and tried to network and stick a word in for remembering the libraries and perhaps using them during their stay here. The volunteers 2 years of pledged service make our 2 1/2 months seems so short!

This afternoon we have been invited to one of our kgosi's farms nearby and I am excited about that. I love to look at the scenery around here, it's mostly flat, but always beautiful. The ant hills here are as tall as me!


  1. sounds like you should introduce an amnesty day! i love reading what you've been up to Ash!

  2. The ant hills are remarkable, aren't they. I'm jealous that you get to go to the farm. Try a trip to a cattle post too. Did you drink bush tea?
